Thursday, June 28, 2012

K-bao, Meet C-bao

And she's here!

K-bao could not wait to see her younger sister C-bao, and finally the patience paid off with a "Big Sister Party" at the hospital this past weekend.

There was a gift exchange (thanks to some great work by Xiao Jiu (Uncle Calvin) and Xiao Ah-yi (Auntie Christina) - notice the balloons and toy for C-bao - placed strategically by K-bao near her sister's head), some cuddling, and lots of smiles.

All signs are pointing toward strong sisterly (and perhaps even maternal) instincts. Unfortunately for K-bao, she promptly got sick and over the last few days has had to keep her distance. Hopefully she'll get well soon - because the K-folks have plenty of helping chores lined up for her to do...and cannot wait for her to develop some coordination to assist with those diapers.

Please visit C-bao at her own blog here

Thursday, June 21, 2012


K-bao made K-Pop super happy today.

K-bao: "How many stickers do I have? Three?"
K-Pop: "That's funny, K-bao. How many do you have?"
K-bao: "Six."
K-Pop: "So what if you took three stickers away? What would you have left? What's 6 - 3?"
K-bao: "Three. Because three plus three equals six."

Two beaming people. K-bao has been doing simple arithmetic for a while but she's never put addition and subtraction concepts together.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


K-bao decided to relive some Disco Times with a little gear borrowed from Little Aunt (Xiao Ah-Yi). You can instinctively hear Kool & the Gang's "Fresh" thumping in the background.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


One of K-bao's absolute faves is Gillian, who is her partner in loud and jocose tomfoolery. A playdate with Gillian is a guarantee for much laughing, screaming and running around. Unfortunately, K-bao learned recently that Gillian will be moving away soon. In this little candid interview, she explains why she loves her friend (the money quote: "Because she is crazy...and I scream, like 'Aaaah!'")

Update: Below is just such an example of some craziness and silliness, filmed a couple of weeks after the interview.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Here is K-bao enjoying a day at the beach. Playing with sand is second only to playing with water on her list of favorite activities, with the former consisting of getting as much of it where it doesn't belong as possible - on the blanket, in the sandwiches, in K-Pop's face, etc. (that's her right foot above kicking some sand up at the camera, in case you didn't notice).


January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...