Sunday, October 28, 2012

Psalm 23

K-bao, who once was quite fluent with Psalm 23, has been working hard on regaining that fluency recently (admittedly with the help of a little bribery on the part of the K-folks).

Here she dedicates her bedtime (Chinese) recitation to her absent K-Grandfolks, her aunts and uncles and other beloved relatives. Concentration could use a little work ("Look! My sister is smiling at me!").

Monday, October 15, 2012


"Daddy, somethings you know, and some things you don't know," opined little K-bao expertly one day last week while out on a walk with K-Pop.

Taken aback by this accurate but nonetheless quite unexpected assault on the breadth of his education, K-Pop probed a bit further.

"Um, that's true, K-bao...what do you mean?"

"What is pike?" Somewhat stumped, and unclear whether this was a genuine question or a rhetorical one aimed at demonstrating the truth of K-bao's prior assertion, K-Pop offered weakly, "A type of fish?"

"What is tuck?" Dimly, a light bulb began to turn on in K-Pop's brain, but before he could put the pieces together, K-bao triumphantly demonstrated a couple of quick poses - "Ta da!"

Turns out the uber-expensive gymnastics classes K-Pop was sending little K-bao to - and the highbrow and insular terminology she was picking up there - was in turn being sneakily used to undermine K-Pop's standing as an educated adult!

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Politician

K-Mum was washing some strawberries after dinner and asked K-bao to try some. K-bao demurred. "But these strawberries are sweet!" K-Mum exclaimed.

"Mom, sweeter than you?" asked K-bao, ever so innocently. Sly smile. And for added emphasis, "Sweeter than honey and sugaaar?!"

Later that evening, without prompting, she burst out with this gem: "Mommy, thank you for working so hard, so we have money, and for loving me."

K-Mum and K-Grandmum were stunned into silence. 48 years to the White House! Maybe 44!

Saturday, October 6, 2012


A great day at Golden Gate Park for little K-bao, including experiencing a little air here with K-Pop.


January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...