Sunday, April 29, 2012


In a moment of weakness, the K-folks gave K-bao a little sugar boost at a frozen yogurt store we walked by over the weekend. "Pink one, I want a pink one!" demanded the little one. Before and After shots here show the treat hitting the sweet spot. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hot Stocks

Over the last 6 months, K-bao has developed an inexplicable daily habit of reading Fortune while sitting on the potty. Indeed, it is always the same issue: "Hot Companies! Hot Stocks!"

The conversation generally goes as follows:

"Daddy, I need to go poo-poo."
"I need my stool."
"I need Hot Stocks."
"I need some privacy."
"Close the door please, all the way. All the way!"

So actually not a conversation, more a stream of orders which K-Pop obeys in silence. The hope of course is that she absorbs enough material that she'll be picking us some Hot Stocks in a few years time and will allow the K-folks to retire early. Yes, our retirement plan rests on our 3-year-old's potty reading.

Kwan Jr.

K-bao had her first adventure on the ice a week ago at friends Aidan and Zoe's birthday party.

She appeared to have plenty of fun, kicking around on the ice with her diminutive skates, largely because there was no fear of falling - all 30lbs were being held up by K-Pop's creaky back.

When K-bao wins the 2028 Olympic figure skating gold in Taipei let the record show that her first foray into the rink was thanks to the Kwoks.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Four Generations

Four generations of great women.

"And His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation." Praise the Lord!


K-bao practices in her room here for a future audition to America's Got Talent. Plenty of passion (and confidence), is about all K-Pop can say about it at the moment.

Friday, April 6, 2012


In her first instance (of what will undoubtedly be many more instances) of inflicting damage to the condo we just moved into, K-bao practiced her letters on the wall with a big blue marker. With a 3-year-old's sixth sense that this was not going to be an approved activity, she at least made her marks in her closet and not on the walls of her room.

Being it was her first infraction of this sort, and we hadn't specifically said that she is not to write on the walls, she got away with a stern talking-to.

However, clearly it wasn't quite stern enough because as we were trying futilely to wipe the marker away, she ran around piping "Don't forget the other one! There's more behind you!"

Here's one side of the wall:

Here's the other side - after 10 minutes of scrubbing (and yes, she's recently learned her A's, V's and W's):

Monday, April 2, 2012


K-bao came running over excitedly yesterday, demanding to know why her CD case showed a song list that only went up to #16.

"Because your CD only has 16 songs," explained K-Pop.

"No, it has 32! See, I show you!" K-bao rushed over and began pressing the Forward button on her CD-player, flipping through the tracks.

Lo! The CD indeed had 32 tracks. It turned out that the CD repeated all the tracks, with a slight variation to the songs in tracks #17-32. But K-Pop was very proud of his detective daughter, who had to pull together several knowledge bases into her 3-year-old-head to figure that one out. "You could be an auditor one day!" (Not that we want you to.)


January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...