Wednesday, November 19, 2014


K-bao persuaded K-Mum a few weeks ago to buy her a jump rope, and has since been practicing her hops.

In the below she tries out both the backwards skip as well as the running skip. Not easy, but as she reminds the K-folks constantly, "Practice Makes Progress."

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Young Author

K-bao has advanced significantly as both a reader and writer recently, and indeed has started penning her own little booklets.

Last weekend she decided to write - and illustrate - her first book, admittedly constructed by putting eight or nine staples to two sheets of paper. Subjects ranged from astute observations ("My family is nice") to statements about her own feelings ("I was mad because I got sick") to pronouncements of universal truths ("Love is kind").

In her second book, written shortly thereafter, she invited K-Pop to co-author (but not to co-illustrate - clearly she has formed her own quite accurate opinions already on K-Pop's artistic capabilities).



Saturday, November 15, 2014

Banana Bread Deluxe

Never one to waste perfectly good (albeit somewhat overripe) bananas, K-bao sprung into action last weekend, donning her baker's apron and recruiting sister C-bao to help her create her patented Banana Bread Deluxe.

Here is the completed batter, replete with chocolate chips galore. No Trader Joe's shortcuts here! Eggs, flour, baking soda - this was made from scratch.

And here is the finished product.

K-Grandpops in Taiwan (a.k.a. Gong-Gong) got wind of this Banana Bread Deluxe, and naturally lamented that he wasn't around to take a bite. Upon hearing this, both granddaughters extended a fork, hoping their grandfather could take some satisfaction in their act of virtual sharing.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Better Than Hallmark

Sister C-bao fell and scraped her knee while running in the courtyard after church.

K-bao immediately went to her rescue, held her hand all the way home, and did everything else she could think of to comfort her sister.

Indeed, while the two girls were listening to a story at home to help little C-bao take her mind off her injury, K-bao excused herself briefly, saying "I'll be right back!"

Shortly thereafter, she appeared with the below card:

Friday, November 7, 2014

Feeling Brave

Donning her most ambitious costume yet - complete with a flaming red wig - K-bao is Merida, the girl who turns her mother into a bear.

"Don't stay out too long, or I'll really become a bear!" warned K-Mum, who was concerned the weather was too cold for prolonged trick-or-treating.

Along the way, K-bao bargained and negotiated her way into additional homes to visit, as well as specific candies she wanted to make sure were carved out from K-Pop's rule that "All candies collected belong to the entire family" (namely, any purple ones, any particularly large chocolates, or others with unusually attractive wrappers).

One thing's for sure, our little one certainly has the independence, strong-will and feisty nature shared by her character (which appears to be a common theme in her Halloween costumes).

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Smart Aleck

Upon receiving the above to-do list this weekend, our 5-year-old's reaction was as follows:

K-bao: "Daddy can I do these in any order?"
K-Pop: "Sure K-bao."
K-bao: "Ok then. I'm done with everything Daddy, what should I do next?"


January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...