Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hat Trick+

Let the record show that in league play yesterday young K-bao scored not one, not two, not three, but five goals for her soccer team the Lions. Almost a double hat trick.

Interestingly, on the car before the game, while we were still waiting for various family members to join us, K-bao had initiated the following dialogue with K-Pop:
  • "Daddy, would you be upset if I didn't score today?" Of course not!
  • "Well, would you be upset if I didn't try my best?" Well, I would probably be disappointed.
  • "What if I scored a million goals but didn't try my best?" I still wouldn't like that.
  • "Well, what if I tried my best but didn't score at all?" I would be very proud of you.
  • "But you'd be the happiest if I tried my best and scored like 5 goals right?" Yes I suppose. But don't focus on the number of goals you're going to score.
Well, lo and behold, K-bao settled on the best outcome. And delivered exactly that number. 

Here is in fact the fifth goal (which was more of a tap-in on a rebound, after a fantastic charge downfield and an excellent first shot on goal...K-Pop wasn't fast enough with his camera on the other ones). 

Saturday, September 26, 2015


Today the girls, while sitting side by side in a Costco shopping cart, got into a scrape, as sisters are wont to do. In the midst of it, however, young C-bao expressed her frustration in a highly unacceptable manner, and K-Pop was forced to intervene.

Pulling C-bao off the cart and after giving her a very stern talking to, K-Pop promised severe consequences for our 3-year-old after we returned home. C-bao walked meekly and sadly beside K-Pop as we came back to the cart.

That's when K-bao sprang into action. Though she was technically the victim in the altercation, she asked to come off the cart so she could comfort her little sister, who burst into tears as she ran into her older sister's arms.

Later, when we arrived home, K-bao intervened on behalf of her sister. "Please Daddy," she asked. "Can you not punish C-bao?"

This demonstration of grace and good sisterhood could not go ignored, so K-Pop took it easy on the little one, making sure to attribute his leniency to K-bao's advocacy. What started as an unfortunate conflict ended as an incredible relationship builder.

Later, when K-bao was getting ready for her shower, K-Pop observed little C-bao run into the bathroom to shout, "K-bao, I love you!" out of sheer gratitude.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Cool Biking

Now that K-bao has learned to bike, her latest hobby is zipping along the Golden Gate Park bike lane (veering recklessly, one might add), with sister C-bao scootering behind her, and K-Pop huffing and puffing on foot in third place, trying to keep up.

Too Cool for Bike School

Saturday, September 12, 2015


During this last trip down to LA, K-bao learned from K-Grandfolks the fine art of noodle-making.

Always a hands-on type of gal, K-bao loved every bit of it - particularly the part where she got to squeeze the dough into the machine and turn the crank.

Afterwards, K-Grandmum made her famous beef noodle soup, and K-bao and the rest of the family got to eat fresh noodles made by our little six-year-old.

Below K-Grandpops stands by to offer a few tips. Sister C-bao got into the action as well.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Shake It

"Higher, C-bao. Lift it higher"
Whenever K-bao visits K-Grandmum & K-Grandpops in LA, she feels the urge to put on a performance. Perhaps it is the long, grand staircase, so perfect for presenting to an adoring crowd below, that inspires her. Perhaps it is the untiring enthusiasm and unending patience displayed by her long-suffering grandfolks and great-grandma for K-bao's every initiative (see here, here and here - or even this post from 2009).

Recently, K-bao's proclivity to perform has been further enhanced by her infatuation with all things Taylor Swift.

Below is one scene among many that the K-Grandfolks and K-Great-Grandmum witnessed. The first video below is only the introduction to the show; K-bao insists on properly "Setting the Stage," including allowing her co-performer, sister C-bao, to also have a few words.

The second video captures most of the actual performance - set to Swift's Shake It Off, of course - including K-bao spending a good amount of time with her back to the audience observing her own moves in the reflection she sees in the television set. A few gymnastics maneuvers are also thrown in for good measure.


January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...