Saturday, February 27, 2010

Xiao Goo-Goo

Aunty Catherine (Xiao Goo-Goo) recently visited K-bao for a week from Singapore, and experienced the full gamut of K-bao activities including feeding, diaper-changing, strolling along the Embarcadero, and general clowning about to keep the little one entertained. K-bao took quickly to her little aunty and consented to being fed, read to and held by Xiao Goo-Goo.

By the way, after any picture or video is taken of our little one, K-bao insists on reviewing the camera work herself to make sure it passes muster and doesn't - God forbid - portray her in an unflattering light. Here, after posing for a pic, she is demanding that Xiao Goo-Goo preview the images with her before they get uploaded or published. We've all quickly learned that K-bao insists on tight editorial control - she has no qualms about reaching out and pressing the Delete button.


Knowing her passion for her bei-bei, Uncle Calvin discovered this little trick to keep K-bao entertained. After showing us his discovery, he noted "There's a lot more mileage on this one." And indeed, we've used it almost daily to get some giggles from the little one.

Grandfolks Hu

Grandfolks Hu visited K-bao from Taiwan recently (Aunty Catherine - Xiao Goo Goo - was here as well from Singapore, as will be chronicled separately). With three additional pairs of arms ready to spoil her, K-bao took full advantage of the situation, running from one person to the next for attention and love and generally acting like a brat. Here you can see her snatching the camera from Grandma, refusing to sit still for a picture, introducing her bei-bei to Grandpa, muscling the shakers away and asking for a tummy rub. Grandfolks Hu took it in stride and treated little K-bao like a princess, which of course didn't help the situation.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Good Eats

One of K-bao's favorite restaurants is Everyday Beijing in San Mateo, a wonderful and down-to-earth assemblage of culinary delights of the noodle and dumpling variety.

Here is K-bao perusing the menu and then placing her order with her parents.


January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...