Sunday, February 12, 2017

Home Math Academy

On Saturday mornings, K-Pop has established a routine consisting of:
  1. Hearty breakfast, normally a combination of eggs, oatmeal with chocolate chips, fruit, yogurt and sometimes cereal (though any cereal in the diet invariably elicits protests from K-Mum when she appears later in the morning). 
  2. One to two sheets of math
  3. Two sheets of Chinese
  4. Piano for K-bao (with ABCMouse, an educational app, for C-bao)
  5. Free play
Both girls have made good progress with their math. C-bao has only recently started her worksheets and is currently on basic addition and subtraction up to 30. K-bao can now do double digit multiplication, basic division, and very simple algebra. Here are a few recent problem sets that K-bao tackled. 



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