As K-Pop was changing a dirty diaper yesterday morning, he slid the offending bundle down the counter inadvertently right in front of K-Mum, who was hovering to the side preparing to micromanage the wiping process. K-Mum did not appreciate the exposure, and let K-Pop hear it.
Then just as K-Pop leaned his head in to make sure little K-bao's posterior was indeed pristine, our little one cut the cheese loudly and proudly right in his grill. "Ha!" laughed K-Mum, enjoying the little token of divine justice. Shaken, but not beaten, and trying to keep a grim smile on his face, K-Pop went in again to finish the job. Right on cue, K-bao ripped a second one right into the open wet one in K-Pop's hand. K-Mum virtually collapsed with mirth, causing K-bao to start giggling too. "Again!" K-Mum shouted. Sure enough, with a big smile on her face and a couple of grunts, K-bao squeezed out a third.
We haven't taught her to say much, but flatulence on command? The K-folks have that one covered.