Here is K-bao getting a head start on her fitness regime for the new year. Her form's a bit unorthodox but the heart is all there. After that first set though she was all done - you can see her shaking her head vigorously at even the thought of sit-ups.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Bear Necessities
K-bao has moved on from Andrea Bocelli and the Lion King, and has recently been on a Jungle Book kick. Here she belts out her favorite jazz tune with enthusiasm.
She particularly gets a kick out of this exchange:
"Have I given you a clue?"
"Golly thanks, Baloo!"
She particularly gets a kick out of this exchange:
"Have I given you a clue?"
"Golly thanks, Baloo!"
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
The below is typical K-bao behavior on a grocery run to Ranch 99, the Chinese grocery store - or frankly any grocery store (K-bao frequents Trader Joe's, Safeway, Whole Foods and others on a regular basis). As you can see, K-bao is not only in everyone's business, but she also insists on:
(1) making regular grocery suggestions to K-Mum by running individual samples over ("What about this cucumber?" "Do we need any carrots?");
(2) touching every exotic-looking fruit and vegetable, such as the forbidden pineapple (K-Pop's reference to the "prickly pair" is an allusion to the Bear Necessities song in the Jungle Book, one of K-bao's favorites);
(3) procuring copious numbers of plastic bags while bossing K-Pop around in the process ("Pull, Daddy, Pull")
(1) making regular grocery suggestions to K-Mum by running individual samples over ("What about this cucumber?" "Do we need any carrots?");
(2) touching every exotic-looking fruit and vegetable, such as the forbidden pineapple (K-Pop's reference to the "prickly pair" is an allusion to the Bear Necessities song in the Jungle Book, one of K-bao's favorites);
(3) procuring copious numbers of plastic bags while bossing K-Pop around in the process ("Pull, Daddy, Pull")
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Gap Girl
An active K-bao races down the street only to be distracted by a Gap kids poster (which she shrewdly observed was the same one that she saw on the other side of the store a minute earlier), the sun, the temperature, and just about everything else her busy mind notices.
Friday, November 25, 2011
K-bao picked a pair of pears at Grandpa's and Grandma's home today. Obedient as ever, she stopped at two, per K-Mum's instructions.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
K-bao has gotten into bead jewelry recently. Here she models a few trinklets that she made with the help of Xiao A-Yi (Aunty Christina).

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Location:Rowland Heights, CA
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Yesterday K-Mum showed K-bao a band-aid covering an "owee" on her arm. As K-Mum winced and peeled off the band-aid, little K-bao burst into tears, apparently feeling the pain of her mother's wound.
Tonight while taking a bath, K-bao deliberately ignored specific instructions by taking a sip of bathwater (giving K-Pop a Genesis 3 shiver). Instead of angrily declaring a post-bath time-out as K-Pop normally would have done, K-Pop simply looked into K-bao's eyes sternly and said, "I'm really disappointed in you, K-bao. You deliberately disobeyed me. This bathwater could make you sick." The bath resumed in silence. The little one was quiet for a few minutes. Then she grabbed hold of K-Pop's hands, looked up earnestly and said, "Daddy, I'm really sorry. I won't do it again." And she held his gaze until K-Pop relented and gave her a peck.
Compassion and contrition in our 2-year-old. New breakthroughs in little K-bao's character.
Tonight while taking a bath, K-bao deliberately ignored specific instructions by taking a sip of bathwater (giving K-Pop a Genesis 3 shiver). Instead of angrily declaring a post-bath time-out as K-Pop normally would have done, K-Pop simply looked into K-bao's eyes sternly and said, "I'm really disappointed in you, K-bao. You deliberately disobeyed me. This bathwater could make you sick." The bath resumed in silence. The little one was quiet for a few minutes. Then she grabbed hold of K-Pop's hands, looked up earnestly and said, "Daddy, I'm really sorry. I won't do it again." And she held his gaze until K-Pop relented and gave her a peck.
Compassion and contrition in our 2-year-old. New breakthroughs in little K-bao's character.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Ladybug Song
Here is K-bao at her first school musical. You can hear the Ladybug's voice bursting out at the end of the first refrain, demanding to be heard.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
K-bao recently has gotten into word puzzles. Here she is assembling a few cards. Last week she asked mischievously, "What if we read the word from right to left?" The resulting backward sounding words gave her a real tickle ("kcos!" "kcos!") and now she insists about inquiring about the right-to-left reading for just about every card.
Monday, October 24, 2011
K-bao demonstrates her understanding of the dangers of the facewash with tea tree oil in it (it's "spicy").
Monday, October 17, 2011
The Boss
K-bao: "Dad, why did you say 'frick' just now?"
K-Pop: "Oops, did I say frick?"
K-bao: "Yes you did. 'Frick' is a bad word."
K-Pop: ".....You're right, it is a bad word."
K-bao: "Don't say that next time. I don't like it"
K-bao: "Dad, move over please."
K-Pop: "Why? I'm comfortable here."
K-bao, waving her stuffed penguin: "There's no space for Penguin." Eyeing the other stuffies lined up over the bed, "Penguin has a big body."
K-Pop: "But I'm bigger than Penguin."
K-bao: "Penguin really needs to lie down."
K-Pop: ", ok."
K-Pop: "Oops, did I say frick?"
K-bao: "Yes you did. 'Frick' is a bad word."
K-Pop: ".....You're right, it is a bad word."
K-bao: "Don't say that next time. I don't like it"
K-bao: "Dad, move over please."
K-Pop: "Why? I'm comfortable here."
K-bao, waving her stuffed penguin: "There's no space for Penguin." Eyeing the other stuffies lined up over the bed, "Penguin has a big body."
K-Pop: "But I'm bigger than Penguin."
K-bao: "Penguin really needs to lie down."
K-Pop: ", ok."
Monday, October 3, 2011
Crazy Eights
K-bao was recently introduced to a little Uno-like card game called Crazy Eights. It has quickly become her second-favorite pasttime (after watching videos of Andrea Bocelli). As you can see above, she typically teams up with Baby, leaving K-Pop or K-Mum to partner with Tolo the diminutive plastic pig. Unfortunately, the game has also unleashed (or at least uncovered) a fierce little 2-year-old competitive spirit, the extent of which K-Pop would have been quite alarmed by had he not been able to trace its roots directly to the cutthroat board game behavior of one K-Mum. Note the unrestrained merrymaking (including victory gallop) at 0:27 and 0:15 below.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
A little soccer practice with the little one down in the South bay. Unfortunately, at this rate, it may take a few years for K-bao to develop her inner Mia Hamm - especially when her coaches are (1) wearing flip-flops / sandals and generally unable to move faster than a brisk walk, (2) more focused on capturing video with their smartphone cameras than playing soccer, and most importantly (3) have trouble actually connecting with the ball themselves.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
While living in our small downtown apartment has been uber-convenient for K-Pop to get to work, it has necessitated a bit of creativity when little K-bao needs to burn off a few joules to get herself properly worn down for bedtime.
Here is K-Pop teaching K-bao the fundamentals of football - including the QB snap and the all-important post-touchdown celebration.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
This Time Next Year
K-Grandmum and Xiao Goo-Goo came for a visit from Taipei a few days ago. The last time K-bao had the pleasure of taking this shot with Xiao Goo-Goo by the Bay Bridge, it was February of 2010. In the interim year and a half, while Aunt Catherine looks pretty much identical, K-bao has almost outgrown her stroller, and has also developed - as you can see below - a bit of a pre-adolescent "too cool for school" schtick which K-Pop is not entirely pleased with.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Classic K-bao move. With a casual "See you next time!," the little one kicks off her Crocs, grabs an expensive retail item - a Burberry rainboot, what else? - and takes off. The girl has clearly inherited her mother's high end tastes along with her obsession with footwear. (Though what about the pilfering tendencies? Disavowed by both parents)
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
2-year old K-bao had the following pronouncements today:
- (Lying down on the floor of the kitchen) "I want to sleep here today. It's comfortable here."
- K-Pop: "And if you're naughty, what do you get?" K-bao: "I get a hug from Daddy."
- (After listening to K-Mum tell K-Pop that she was a few minutes away in the car) "But Mom you didn't say you were coming on the Pine Street side of the building."
- K-bao: "I want to listen to [Andrea] Bocelli." K-Mum: "We can't do that, we're outside of the home right now." K-bao: "Yes we can, on the iPhone, I'll show you - listen to this" (opening up the Youtube app and turning on Bocelli)
Sunday, August 7, 2011
K-bao is discovering her maternal instincts, thanks to the cute Baby Sam. Here she is helping Sam, who hails from the Liu clan, take a few steps towards the flamingoes at the Brooklyn Zoo. You can see that K-bao looks quite a bit more pleased than Sam, who is either perplexed about this older woman taking an interest in him or worried about the state of the financial markets, or both.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Air Space
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Saturday, July 9, 2011
K-bao went biking last weekend across the Golden Gate bridge and then down to Sausalito. The bridge was windy and crowded, and K-Pop and K-Mum were plenty stressed veering around the tourists (who were helpfully walking 3 across and stopping randomly to take pictures) and navigating both the wind and the oncoming traffic.
K-bao meanwhile appeared plenty relaxed, taking in the views, singing at the top of her lungs, and occasionally kicking K-Pop in the rear like a professional jockey to spur him on.
Not an adventure the K-folks are eager to repeat in the near future.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
As noted before, K-bao has turned the corner - rather prematurely, in our eyes - from the disciplined to discipliner. Previously it was only her stuffies. But today she observed Aunty Katie doing something she disapproved of, and immediately said: "Aunty Katie, you are naughty. Go to the room for a time out. Go think about it." Scary.

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Monday, June 27, 2011
Who's Hu?
K-Mum tries to confuse K-bao by mixing up her Chinese names.
To no avail. K-bao knows who's Hu and is quite emphatic about it.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
K-bao apparently witnesses some bad behavior on the part of Doggy because she removes him from the crib and implements a Time Out on the Discipline Chair, all the while saying "Be nicer next time."
Monday, June 20, 2011
This is K-bao's dance interpretation of 1 Cor 13:4-8.
Love runs in circles, she says - while giving a biblical interpretation of her patented Whirlwind Dance.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Mem Day
Over Memorial Day K-bao took a second visit to Happy Hollow Park & Zoo, a delightful children's park in San Jose. Once again she insisted on the elephant at the carousel (for which K-Mum again summoned her competitive juices and made a wild but successful dash to secure), and also enjoyed herself driving and ringing the bell in the little red car and climbing on the various structures.
And yes - these are basically the exact same pictures, on the exact same rides and slides - shot 5 months later.
K-bao spent some time by the Farmers' Market this morning, where there was a little horn ensemble playing a few tunes. K-bao joined a few young music lovers in swaying to the melodies.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Here is K-bao observing some boorish behavior from her jungle friends (consisting of her established cadre of animal stuffies), who are lined up to try and enter "K-bao's House." As you can see, she takes some delight in their survival-of-the-fittest naughtiness - to the point that K-Pop had to do a separate session (not recorded) giving each friend a stern talking-to about the importance of taking turns.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
K & L
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
While K-Pop admittedly has little to no fashion sense, he is not pleased to report that instead of one woman bossing him around on his everyday dress, he now has two.
Today when K-Pop came home, K-bao insisted on several wardrobe changes. First, she grabbed the pink dress shirt in the closet. "Ba-ba, wear this one. Ba-ba, wear this one." Apparently K-Pop's blue shirt looked a little drab by comparison. It took several minutes of explanation to establish that K-Pop needed to change out of work clothes.
Next, K-Pop tried to get comfortable with some pajama pants. "Ba-ba, don't wear that. Take it off. Now is not the time to sleep." K-Pop was unable to argue with that reasoning, and reluctantly trudged back to the bedroom to switch into more formal wear.
Does not bode well for the next 16 years.
Monday, May 16, 2011
At 2 years and 4 months, to both our pleasure and our horror, K-bao can now say just about anything she wants. While there are still some nonsensical phrases here and there, or difficult-to-make out pronunciations, she clearly understands cause and effect, before and after, simple logic...and is starting to delve into the more complicated areas of jealousy, competition, manipulation.
As it is, her negotiation skills already trump her parents (who need to resort to blatant authoritarianism to get anything done). She's direct and persuasive, and tenacious to boot. And when she wants something, there is no passive-aggressiveness to her approach; it's just plain aggressive.
Recent pronouncements from K-bao include:
1. K-bao farted. It really smells.
2. Auntie Katie can't reach because her arm is too short.
3. Dear God, thank you for K-bao.
4. Let me do it please. K-bao wants to do it all by myself.
5. First I will eat cheese. Then I will eat vegetables.
6. 1+1=2. 2+2=4. 3+3=6...all the way through 10+10=20. (Granted, these are memorized...but she will spout them off at all hours to pass the time)
7. What is that in English? What is that in Chinese? (often times stumping her parents)
8. K-bao is Daddy's precious one, little cutie and dearest.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Much has been said of the Millennium Generation's attention span, or lack thereof. Is it the TV? The gaming? Something in the water?
Clearly something that we will have to keep an eye out for with this little one. Here she is unable to hold her thought (to get some help removing her pajamas) long enough even to get a second leg out of her PJ's before she spots a shaker and runs off to the tune (self supplied) of My Little Donkey.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Dear Mum
It's only been a little over 2 years
(Technically, 848 days - I know, you got me started early on my sums)
But it feels like a lifetime
(Wait, it is a lifetime)
And you've loved me every single second of every single minute of every single day
And I don't even know how to begin to thank you...
But...Thank you
Happy Mother's Day!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Go Big
K-Mum, in a fit of generosity today, promised K-bao a gift. The exchange went like this:
K-Mum: "K-bao, next weekend, we are going to go buy you a bicycle!"
K-bao, after a moment: "I don't want a bicycle."
K-Mum: "Why don't you want a bicycle? I thought you said you wanted one."
K-bao: "I want a motorcycle."
K-Mum: "A motorcycle! Those are for grown-ups. Kids can't ride motorcycles."
K-bao, repeating a phrase from one of her favorite songs: "If only I grew up!"
In other words, she's taken the normal 2-year-old demanding spirit and mixed in sass, irony, a touch of humor and a philosophy of "go big or go home" (ain't no sense in stopping at a bicycle if you can get a motorcycle!).
This spirit was also much in evidence yesterday when we took her to Target to buy a soccer ball. Instead of picking out a single soccer ball, she decided she wanted a sack of balls - and proceeded to drag the sack of balls around the store for the rest of the afternoon.
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January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...
K-bao has declared that she has a "Baby #1 Daddy." As we explored this rather momentous development, the following salient points...
K-Pop had baby-sitting duty today and took K-bao out in the afternoon for a leisurely stroll by the water, where she looked out on the Bay...
K-bao just completed a spring break trip to Hawaii. It was her second trip there, the last being when she had just turned two, in 2011. W...