K-bao, who has never been shy about expressing herself, has been taking her opinions to a new and unprecedented level recently - particularly on matters of art and fashion.
For example, K-Grandmum, who is visiting for a spell, was subjected to the following unfortunate exchange this morning:
K-Grandmum: "Good morning, K-bao!"
K-bao: "I don't like your clothes, Grandmum, can you go change please?"
K-Grandmum: "...Um...what would you like me to wear?"
K-bao: "I like your pink shirt, please change into that one."
K-Grandmum: ......
But what K-bao taketh away, K-bao also giveth. A similar incident occurred when Aunty Katie walked in the other day:
K-bao: "Oooh, Aunty Katie, I love your shirt!" Then, running over to run her hands over it, "So soft!"
Aunty Katie: "K-bao, you're making me blush."