Sunday, September 30, 2012


"Daddy, look! I'm higher than everyone!" exclaimed K-bao triumphantly at the top of the playground structure.  "I'm higher than everyone in the whole world!"

"Yes, by George you are," affirms K-Pop encouragingly.

A moment later, "Am I higher than God?"

And suddenly all the hours K-Pop spent studying languages his whole life flashed before his eyes.

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012


K-bao hit the trails last weekend with her sister C-bao. Here she is posing coyly at the beginning of her hike, which she handled like a pro.

This was perhaps her fourth visit to Lands End and the first time she handled the walk by herself. A prior visit - where she was carried like royalty throughout - was documented in these pages as well. Looking back, it's clear that her mischievous spirit has carried through bright and strong over the last two years.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Cousin

K-bao welcomes her newest cousin Grace Yan! Many hugs and kisses from the West coast to blustery Boston.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Critic

K-bao, who has never been shy about expressing herself, has been taking her opinions to a new and unprecedented level recently - particularly on matters of art and fashion.

For example, K-Grandmum, who is visiting for a spell, was subjected to the following unfortunate exchange this morning:

K-Grandmum: "Good morning, K-bao!"
K-bao: "I don't like your clothes, Grandmum, can you go change please?"
K-Grandmum: "...Um...what would you like me to wear?"
K-bao: "I like your pink shirt, please change into that one."
K-Grandmum: ......

But what K-bao taketh away, K-bao also giveth. A similar incident occurred when Aunty Katie walked in the other day:
K-bao: "Oooh, Aunty Katie, I love your shirt!" Then, running over to run her hands over it, "So soft!"
Aunty Katie: "K-bao, you're making me blush."

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Short Strokes

Thinking she would show off her skill on the greens (and her shared heritage with Yani Tseng), K-bao got in a nice round of golf with her Xiao Goo-Goo before her aunt had to depart fair San Francisco. Unfortunately, it wasn't the best day for her short stroke...Caddy K-Pop had to round down a few numbers (and we had to let a few parties play through) before the day was done. But nevertheless, some good Vitamin D exposure for all involved.


January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...