Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Anything You Can Do...

Now that younger sister C-bao is fully mobile, she can be convinced by K-bao to try just about anything, and in fact insists on doing things even when discouraged. "'妹妹也可以!'  '妹妹也要!'" (Little sister can do it! Little sister wants to too!) is the constant refrain we hear from the little one, who likes to refer to herself in the third person.

As for K-bao? More than happy to oblige with all sorts of stunts for her little protégé to try.

See, sis? Easy peasy.

Whoa....steady there....hold it.....

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Wall Squat

If there's one person K-bao has met who might be just as competitive as she is, that would be J-Cuz, also known as Cousin Justin. Recently J-Cuz visited briefly and soon the two were comparing notes on all manner of things such as who could do the prettiest cartwheel.

Before long, the two were in a match to see who could squat against the wall the longest (in fairness, an activity K-Pop instigated - perhaps with ulterior motives to utilize someone's energy units faster). First, Justin set the initial record at close to 3 minutes. Then, K-bao bested him by putting 5 minutes on the clock. Justin then upped the ante to 7 minutes (!!). Finally the two went head-to-head, as captured below.

Let the record show that J-Cuz outlasted his little cousin in their first direct wall squat competition. K-bao is gearing up for the rematch already.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


One of the great challenges of parenting is teaching the little ones how to share. And for some reason - perhaps as we think about our own lives - we have an unsettling feeling it's going to be a lifelong process.

...Sharing parents...sharing dresses...sharing toys...sharing space...but most of all...sharing cookies.

C-bao: "Let me have some of that."  K-bao: "No."

K-bao: "Ok, ok. But only because Jesus shared his life and love with us."


K-bao has been spending her summer with her friends the L's. The L sisters, DL and NL (along with little brother EL) share K-bao's love of swimming, princesses and all things Frozen (and yes, this includes little EL, who will tag along and be into whatever his sisters are into). 

What does this mean for K-bao? Tons of hanging out around the pool, an abundance of of outrageous princess costumes, and plenty of "Let it Go" sing-alongs. (By way of reference, K-bao was introduced to DL some 5 years ago, as profiled in this post.)

Wait - where's my hat, mommy? 

And what does all this mean for K-Pop and K-Mum? Why, "Christian fellowship" of course...also known as "Rest and Relaxation."

Sunday, July 6, 2014

A New Chapter

At long last, after 3 years of phenomenal growth, many adventures with new friends, a handful of dramatic incidents and a long list of lessons learned, K-bao has graduated from preschool.

SLS, K-bao's preschool, has traditionally put on a big graduation ceremony for the little tots, and this year was no exception. Filled with pomp and ceremony - as if to convey one last time to the gathered parents that all that tuition was indeed worthwhile - the event was replete with balloons, diplomas and musical performances. K-pop naturally joined the many other obnoxious fathers who ran around snapping endless pictures and recording way too many videos (until he literally overran his phone's storage).

Here is the procession, set appropriately to a solemn rendition of Pomp & Circumstance, the classic graduation tune. Rather than marching in an orderly manner, K-bao of course was running when K-Pop first caught her on camera. When she noticed K-Pop, her first question was, "Where is Xiao Ah-Yi (Aunt Christina)?" You're welcome, little one, for the past 3 years of tuition.

This is the scene at the front, a privileged position K-Pop elbowed his way into.

Here is an excerpt of some of the songs, most of which our little K-bao belted out with gusto, though it was also apparent that her distraction factor was high. All in all, very well done program.

And here is the big diploma-receiving moment.

Aunt Christina and Uncle Calvin were able to make the event to celebrate the big day. Here are a few shots of K-bao with friends and family after the ceremony.

Congratulations K-bao!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Human Hoop

Here is why K-bao loves her Uncle Calvin.

That's right. Since K-bao isn't quite able to reach the standard height basketball hoop, Xiao Jiu (aka Jiu-Jiu aka Uncle Calvin) constructed a hoop for the little one by putting his body on the line. This also entailed allowing his face to be used as the backboard.

With this construct, K-bao made a decent number of baskets and is excited to play again.

(Don't ask whether K-Pop was on the side encouraging K-bao to "bank it in off the backboard").

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...