Monday, September 29, 2014


K-bao has been in a building mood recently, and has spent many a quiet hour laying out her intricately-planned structures (many of which, unfortunately, have been destroyed by a reckless 36" Godzilla).

Here she gives an introduction to a model playground, architected, of course, around her favorite activity in the whole wide world: the monkey bars (which she points out four times in a 45 second walk-through of the playground layout).

Interestingly, she also pauses halfway through to explain the art of practice: picking oneself up after falling, again and again.

Friday, September 26, 2014


It's soccer season, and K-bao has joined a young team with her classmates. The first important question for our budding little Mia Hamm was, of course, her uniform number. Here's how the conversation went down.

K-mum: "K-bao, what number do you want to have on your soccer jersey?"
K-bao: "A trillion."
K-mum: "Um, that's too big, it has to be a smaller number."
K-bao: "A billion."
K-mum: "That's still too big, it can only be 2 digits, so less than a hundred."
K-bao: "Ok fine. Ninety-nine."

Go big or go home
We have to admit, there's a nice ring to that when we're hollering at her from the sidelines. "Go get 'em, 99!" "Nice slide tackle, 99!" "Hey get yourself back on D, 99!"

Follow me, folks!
So the first game was Saturday against their cross-town rivals. Let's just say that we have high hopes that the play will one day catch up to the quality of their uniforms.

A few action shots below, including the all-important sportsmanship high-five line after the game.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Half Moon Beach

On a whim while paying a visit to Lemos Farm the other day, K-bao stopped by the beach at Half Moon Bay. The weather was a tad cool and the traffic more than a tad unpleasant, so the K-folks didn't stay for long, but it was clearly more than enough time for K-bao to run amok and get her clothes full of sand and seawater.

Sister C-bao was not wearing appropriate footgear so K-Pop picked her up and held her as the family navigated down to the beach. Naturally, as soon as she saw that, K-bao decided that her footgear was similarly ill-suited for walking on hilly ground, and jumped into K-Pop's unsuspecting arms without any notice. K-Pop ended up carrying the girls like sacks of potatoes down to the water, as shown above.

As soon as the family was settled on the sand, K-bao busied herself with trying to get as close to the water as possible without being caught by the incoming tide. Of course, within 5 minutes the little one was soaked (albeit very happily so). And of course, the K-folks had warned her that they had brought no change of clothes.

"You only live once, Dad!"

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...