A few months ago, in a moment of boredom one day in the car, K-Mum challenged K-bao to see who could spot more Mini Coopers before they reached their destination.
Boy, does she rue the day.
At first, it was easy-peasy for K-Mum. Games were relaxing and fun. K-bao could barely identify a Mini Cooper, let alone beat the eagle-eyed K-Mum, who also had the advantage of always sitting in the front seat and being quite a bit taller. As K-Mum drove down certain neighborhoods packed with Minis, she would remark, "Wow, we are in Coop City! 3 on every block! There's a blue one! I've already gotten seven! Better focus, K-bao!"
But soon K-bao started holding her own. She seemed to develop her own special Mini Cooper radar, and before long could spot a Mini by a mere bumper or a glimpse of a headlight. In addition, she started to get sassy about the score, e.g. about who spotted which Mini first, or how many she had already counted, or perhaps even conjuring up phantom Coops on side streets we zipped by.
"That's two Mini Coopers! Two to zero!" |
These days - many months later - K-bao cannot seem to take a five minute ride without trying to start up a game, and will plead ceaselessly with K-Mum (or K-Pop, who has somehow gotten himself roped into this racket) and give us no peace until one of us finally caves.
Of course, K-Mum has tried refusing to play - many a time. But besides the persistent whining, K-bao always seems to find a way to egg on and taunt her competitive mom until she gets her way (i.e. "I've already spotted three, Mom. That's 3 to 0. You're definitely going to lose. Wait, red one! That's 4-0.").
In desperation, K-Pop initially tried shifting the game to pick-up trucks (disaster - there are far too many in the city), and more recently has tried Fiats, which thankfully appear to be a great deal less popular than Minis and has resulted in a whole lot less shouting in the car. We've also initiated the "Let's count silently until we get there and see who ends up with more" option, with some early success thus far. Fingers crossed to see how long that one lasts.