Monday, October 24, 2016


K-bao recently visited Dr. Nancy, her friendly neighborhood dentist.

The pre-check-up wait is always nerve-wracking. What if there is a cavity?

Luckily, little K-bao has been doing her job with the bristles. Once it became clear she was in the clear, she relaxed. Quite a bit.

Check out the spa facial pose below..

Sunday, October 16, 2016


From time to time K-bao and sister C-bao are off from school during a weekday, such as during teacher development days. These turn into homeschool days when either K-Pop or K-Mum have to work from home and try to keep the kids out of trouble.

To maintain some sanity and order, K-Pop generally creates a schedule that includes math and Chinese worksheets, some free reading and play time, a bunch of "instructional apps" (Khan Academy, DreamBox Learning, Kodable, and a Chinese vocabulary app), piano, and if he's feeling really ambitious, some art and painting time on the balcony outside. The below whiteboard schedule from last week is typical.

Saturday, October 15, 2016


Our little K-bao has been a proud second grader for over a month now, which means that, counting 3 years of pre-school (some of which was part-time) before kindergarten, she is into her sixth year of school already. Lucky for the K-fam, she loves to learn and has always enjoyed school.

One of the things the K-folks like about her class is that she is often given chances to speak publicly. Here she is sharing a book with her class. Fittingly, the book is entitled Laugh Out Loud Jokes for Kids. 

"That was a funny one, wasn't it?"
Here is another action shot of her sharing some thoughts with her peers, looking like she is improvising as she goes.


January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...