Sunday, June 28, 2015

Work Hard, Play Hard

A welcome little word 
"You deserve to have a good time after a hard day's work," read K-bao from the message she extracted from her fortune cookie, while clambering into her car seat on the way home after dinner.

"That's right," opined K-Mum with satisfaction. "Work hard, play hard!"

Thinking a little further, K-bao couldn't help but reflect out loud, "Well, I didn't really work today though."

"You're right," interjected K-Pop from the front seat, "You played all day!"

"Oh man, I wish I hadn't said that!" burst out K-bao reflexively. "I bet Daddy's going to make me do work now when we go home."

K-Mum: "Hahahahahahahahaha!"

That's right, I "worked" all day


K-bao shows off her dexterity with some tumbling maneuvers. Some of those early My Gym lessons have apparently stayed with her through the years.

Friday, June 26, 2015


Frustrated that sister C-bao hasn't fully gotten her fobby fingers right, K-bao conducts an intensive class with her younger sib.

And there it is!

Sunday, June 21, 2015


K-bao found herself in Sonoma this past weekend at a pool party with some school friends. Naturally, sister C-bao tagged along so she could share in some of the fun and sun.

Above, K-bao enjoys her first - of what, of course, ended up being far too many - mini-cupcake of the day.

While K-bao hadn't been in the pool in a while, she jumped in the water with gusto along with the rest of her peeps. Part of it of course was the allure of the numerous pieces of colorful equipment lying around, each of which K-bao insisted on trying (most of them at the same time).

Friday, June 12, 2015

Dubs Fan

To K-Pop's delight, K-bao has adopted K-Pop's favorite sport as her own.

Part of it has certainly been driven by the Golden State Warriors' postseason success this year, which coincidentally followed K-bao's first exposure to hoops through her kindergarten basketball camp. K-bao has enjoyed watching the games with K-Pop through the playoffs (including tonight when the Warriors tied up the series with the Cavs 2-2).

Not only has she become a major Steph Curry fan - asking the rhetorical question "Is Steph Curry the best shooter in the whole wide world?" at least 3x a game - she actually is starting to internalize all the rules (24 second shot clock; offensive fouls; three point plays, etc.), and really gets into the ebb and flow of the game. What started at the beginning of the season as "Do you want the white team to win or the blue team" has evolved over time into "Draymond Green is definitely going to make both free throws. He is a great free throw shooter...Wait, I can't believe he missed!"

K-bao also made it to the court herself last week for some offseason (for her) drills.

And here she is practicing her dribbling - with her off hand, as challenged by K-Pop.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Monkeying Around

It's the second to last week of school, and that means...Free Dress Week! 

The above interpretation of the dress code would seem one step too far, but for the fact that today was actually officially deemed Animal Day.  As such, K-bao pulled out a monkey suit that K-Mum had procured for her a little while back.

K-Mum was even more excited about the get-up than K-bao. "Check out those monkey feet!" exclaimed K-Mum enthusiastically as she slipped on the furry paws. "Even better than the tail. This will be the coolest costume at school."

(Check out the last time that K-bao wore a monkey suit. Quite a bit has changed since then...)


January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...