K-Mum and K-Pop strolled over to the Ferry Building for breakfast today at the farmer's market, where we ran into Stevie Wonder and Roy, who were on their morning constitutional. Here she is sporting her nice shades en route, and again taking in the various colors and smells among the many overpriced food, wine and coffee stores there. K-bao drooled and smacked her lips enviously while she watched us eat our fresh pastries.
Now, it may be that all babies are obsessed with food at this age - what else do they have to think about? - but we are getting the sense that little K is ready to take it to the next level. During the week, when K-Mum sets her down so she can have a bite to eat herself, K-bao invariably fixes her eyes on whatever Mommy's nibbling on and follows it from hand to mouth.
Often the look of envy turns shortly to righteous indignation - "where's mine?? where is the justice in this world??" - and enraged cries ensue. Or if we've delayed a bit in her feeding schedule, put anything near her cheek and she'll remind us of this feisty little fella. Or she'll cram in as many fingers as her little mouth will allow and stare at us defiantly. Now, while K-Pop certainly likes fat babies (and is a big fan of Phat Babies too), little K is almost one stone and has already caused K-Mum some painful wrist tendinitus. And of course, the more goes in, the more comes out (a subject we've had the occasion to dwell on many a time already). While hithertofore K-Pop's mantra has been "eat, baby, eat" - given her already well developed gastronimist tendencies, and her fast growing cheeks, let's just say K-Pop no longer feels so compelled to urge K-Mum to do the extra feeding session.
she's adorable...bring her out to BJ to visit us! :)