The other day K-Pop came home in time to help K-Mum with bath time. While having her delicate royal bottom dried off, K-bao seemed to notice Daddy for the first time - and apparently did not like what she saw. After gazing intently at K-Pop's face, her lips curled down and out came a blood-curdling shriek, which then turned into five minutes of inconsolable sobbing. She had seen Quasimodo, or the Loch Ness Monster, or their offspring. K-Mum rushed back in and hurriedly snatched her from my arms, and muttered something about the baby being fatigued and fussy after a long day. Let's just say we've shelved the precociousness theory for the time being and decided that she can't quite yet figure out her surroundings. In the meantime, K-Pop has strict instructions with K-Mum to rotate his picture into view every couple hours when he's not home.
you look nothing like our hunchbacked hero, ge. both erjieh and i think you resemble the one and only awesome Claude Frollo a bit more:)