Beyond the emotional attachment, blankie also serves as teething relief (K-bao stuffs it into her mouth at every opportunity and bites ferociously), a sign of her love to her parents (she offers bei-bei to K-Pop and K-Mum when she feels particularly generous; after a few seconds, of course, she'll snatch it back), and general object of distraction (whenever she is about to launch into a tantrum about, say, not being allowed to play with the electrical outlet, we'll holler "Where is bei-bei?" and she will immediately forget what she wanted and go looking around for it).
As you can imagine, bei-bei takes quite a beating around the house and generally doesn't smell the best, so it needs to go into the washer not infrequently. This creates some anxiety for the K-folks because we never know when she'll start to bellow "Bei!" and grow inconsolable (which has happened already). We've hunted around Babies R Us online - the original retailer - for backups but so far haven't had any luck. Bei-bei came as a gift, in a pair with a second blankie in a different shade, but K-bao won't settle for ugly sister Leah.
Of course, K-Mum blames K-Pop, whom she accuses of carrying around a security blanket through junior high - a claim K-Pop vigorously denies.
So funny.. we have the EXACT same situation with her little green blankie. She has to have it to go to sleep and we're deathly afraid of what happens if we lose it or it gets tattered. It was a gift, and we asked where they got it from. The told us linens n' things. Problem is, linens n' things has now declared bankruptcy. We tried buying another online, but clearly they are in the throws of bankruptcy as they can't actually ship anything they have. Anyhow... for now, we're at the mercy of her blankie.