Before each bath, but only after every ounce of clothing has been shed, K-bao will run over to the scale, press On with her toe, and then step on to inspect the latest poundage. Indeed, she refuses to get in the tub without having checked her number. Once on the scale, she studies the results somberly, typically with her hands clasped behind her back. What this nineteen-month-old's long-term weight objectives are is anyone's guess. K-Pop for one has not put any pressure on her.
(By the way, her image consciousness extends beyond herself. After each weighing she nags K-Pop to get on the scale himself, and will literally sometimes take his hand and drag him over. K-Pop got the message and has since resolved to eat healthier).
The pic of K-bao on the scale has been censored due to privacy concerns, but below you can see K-bao giving herself a smooch in the car mirror.

put that scale away!!