We took K-bao to check out ARTifact (a children's arts school in San Francisco) this morning. K-bao had no trouble getting into their painting-on-the-sidewalk activity, snatching up a brush and proceeding to paint happily not only on the pavement but also on her shirt and pants as well as all over other kids' little sidewalk creations. Incidentally, K-bao's modus operandi with older kids is to walk up and loudly assert "Share!" - not the expression of any altruistic desire on her part but rather an unabashed guilt trip to get the target kid to give up a toy or some other desired resource. Today for example K-bao would run over, dip her brush in another kid's colors while simultaneously yelling "Share!" Stunned and unable to muster up any retorts that appealed to higher principles, the older girls would quietly let K-bao take over their paint jars. The K-folks clearly have a little work to do on the scruples.
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