Sunday, July 14, 2013


As we all know, K-bao has more energy than our entire family knows what to do with, which for a noise-sensitive soul like K-Mum can be rather trying.

The other day K-Mum asked K-bao to calm her body down (actually, this is a daily occurrence). After failing to make meaningful progress, K-bao was sent to her room. A minute later she emerged, claiming she was ready. K-Mum had seen this movie before and sent her back. A minute later, K-bao came running out, exclaiming (loudly): "Mommy, my body is telling me something! It's telling me it's ready. Really, really ready."

The following exchange ensued:
K-Mum: "Your body is wrong, K-bao. You're not ready."
K-bao: "My body is never wrong."
K-Mum: "Your body has been wrong before."
K-bao: "Well this time is different because the princesses and fairies are watching me."
K-Mum had no answer to this argument. How can one shoot down the princesses and fairies?

On another day, K-Mum and K-bao were baking. After running around the kitchen distracted, K-bao was once again sent to her room to calm down and get herself ready to concentrate on the task at hand. Shortly after, K-bao reappeared with the following logic:

"Mommy, I'm ready to focus. I really, really am. But my body won't let me focus. My body said to me, 'If you focus, I will punish you!'"

Not only has K-bao internalized the work of Plato and Rene Descartes around mind/body dualism, she's taken it a step further by having the body and mind converse like old roommates, or in this case, like a master and slave.

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January 1, 2021! How time flies. K-bao's growth from a spunky little kid to a rambunctious tween is one of the most tangible markers of ...