K-bao's newest trick is to kiss on command. She'll give K-Mum or K-Pop a smack on the cheek when asked, and happily she understands the request in both English ("Kissy-Poo") and Chinese ("Qing-qing") so neither parent feels left out. She hasn't quite learned to smooch her lips, so as of now it has been the wet, slobbery kind. You can see above we are trying to teach her to differentiate between the froggies and the princes.
The bad news is that she's learned that we are quite tickled by it, so she has incorporated this little trick into her formidable bag of tactical maneuvers. Over the last week or so, we've noticed that whenever she really wants us to do something, she will sweeten the pot by leaning over and planting a couple of wet ones, just in case we were in doubt as to whether to fulfill her request.
This past Sunday we took a quick excursion to the Bay Area Discovery Museum where K-bao enjoyed visiting the Tot Spot. At one point, she was having a bit too much fun, splashing water left and right and all over her clothes (see below), whereupon K-Mum removed her from the scene. Initially, howls of protest. Squirming, squiggling and loud vocals. That didn't work. Next, several determined kisses on the cheek. K-Mum dissolved into laughter and soon little K-bao was enjoying her splish-splish.

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